Call for Paper

The number of students in computer science has risen steadily over the last few years and is creating ever greater challenges in teaching. This is due to the great demand from industry for well-trained software engineers and the fact that more and more students in Germany are deciding to study. 

Courses with a huge number of participants are no longer uncommon and present the instructors with great methodological, technical and organizational challenges. It is particularly challenging to motivate students to participate actively in the classroom, since many classical active learning approaches, such as group discussions, can no longer be implemented. New methods to increase interactivity and creativity are needed.

Due to the increasing complexity, practical and project-related training is becoming increasingly important. Project courses in cooperation with the industry can realistically illustrate the manifold tasks of software development, but they also lead to high expenditure in the organization, especially due to legal problems, such as the exploitation of rights for a developed software.

Digital teaching, online courses and new teaching concepts such as the Inverted Classroom can meaningfully complement the range of courses offered by universities and challenge instructors to make lectures available online. This raises the question of how universities and colleges can support lecturers in the digital teaching process in an appropriate way.

In this workshop, innovative and creative teaching approaches in software engineering will be presented and discussed. The topic of the workshop is highly relevant for teaching at universities and colleges, since courses can no longer be offered in high quality for large numbers of students without systematic approaches.

Topics of Interest

The workshop topics include, but are not restricted to the following:

  1. Project courses with industry
    • Legal framework conditions
    • Degrees of freedom in planning and implementation
    • Evaluation of team performance
    • Dealing with conflicts in project teams with external partners
    • Different types of collaboration with industry
    • Selection of suitable procedures and workflows
  2. Active learning in large courses
    • Tools for interactive teaching concepts
    • Innovative use cases of tutors
    • New forms of training
    • Motivation of students
    • Challenges of examination
  3. Digital teaching and online courses
    • Applications and possibilities
    • Testimonials and experience reports
    • University support
    • Improvement of interactivity

Submission Guidelines

We solicit 3 types of submissions:

  1. Full research papers (8 pages)
  2. Short papers (4 pages)
  3. Poster abstracts (2 pages)

Full research papers present original, evaluated and unpublished research results whereas short papers describe novel ideas, identified challenges, and especially educational experience reports. We also invite instructors to introduce new perspectives from their courses and projects by submitting an abstract for a poster illustrating an approach to overcome the identified challenges. 

All submissions will be peer reviewed by at least 3 PC members and judged on the basis of their relevance, clarity and interest to the workshop topics. Authors can submit papers in German or English to the ISEE 2019 EasyChair system: 

Submitted papers must conform to the IEEE conference template (2 columns, A4). We will publish the workshop proceedings at CEUR-WS, which is indexed by dblp, the world's most comprehensive open bibliographic data service in computer science. Authors of accepted papers have to register for the workshop.

At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the workshop.

Important Dates (Anywhere on Earth)

  • Paper submission: 11.01.2019
  • Author notification: 25.01.2019
  • Camera ready version: 07.02.2019
  • Workshop: Tuesday, 19.02.2019