Matthew Barr and Syed Waqar Nabi: Online Delivery of Intensive Software Engineering Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic [paper | slides | teaser | video] — Discussant: Tanjila Kanij
Tanjila Kanij and John Grundy: Adapting Teaching of a Software Engineering Service Course due to COVID-19 [paper | slides | teaser | video] — Discussant: Paul Schmiedmayer
Paul Schmiedmayer, Lara Marie Reimer, Marko Jovanović, Dominic Henze and Stephan Jonas: Transitioning to a Large-Scale Distributed Programming Course [paper | slides | teaser | video] — Discussant: Malte Mues
Malte Mues and Falk Howar: Teaching a Project Based Format in Safe Distance: An Experience Report [paper | slides | teaser | video] — Discussants: Matthew Barr and Syed Waqar Nab
Watch the Paper Discussions during the Conference Session